Popular Blogger Loses Domain Because of Gmail Hack


If you have been following what has been going on with David Airey, you know that he recently lost his domain http://www.davidairey.com to a hacker. The hacker has kindly offered to sell David’s domain back to him, which is not in keeping with the holiday spirit. The problem was documented in David’s post DavidAirey.com hacked.

It turns out that David’s Gmail account was hacked. David details the problem here in his post WARNING: Google’s GMail security failure leaves my business sabotaged. A brief outline of the Gmail hack is as follows:

  • User logs into Gmail account
  • Visit a site with Gmail hack configured
  • Hack site sets up a backdoor in Gmail account

For full information concerning the hack read Google GMail E-mail Hijack Technique posted by Petko D. Petkov, on GNUCitizen.

This incident just demonstrates that we need to remain vigilant concerning our security practices when using computers and surfing the web. For David’s sake I am hoping that all these bad issues are resolved in time for him to get a clean slate and a happy new year!

Graphic – From David Airey’s post

7 Responses to “Popular Blogger Loses Domain Because of Gmail Hack”

  1. Mike Goad Says:

    I’ve read about David Airey’s predicament several time now, but I hadn’t heard about the GMail vulnerability, before. I’m glad that I don’t use GMail, even though I do have an account. Of course, I realize that the problem is really ensuring that you do everything you can to protect your on-line security. It’s a shame that precautions are required to prevent these unethical “scoundrels” from hacking your sites.

  2. Thomas Says:

    Mike – I had not heard much about this Gmail vunerability before this incident with David. This sounds like a pretty serious issue that Gmail users need to be made aware of.

    I agree that it is a bummer that you have to be so cautious about what actions you take, and on top of that, you have to be concerned about the tools you use.

  3. David Airey Says:

    Hi Thomas, just a quick note to thank you for helping me spread the word about this.

    A bit late to visit, but thankfully everythings on the mend now.

    I hope you had a fantastic new year, and that you continue on the upwards path in 2008.

  4. Thomas Says:

    David – I am always happy to support my blogger friends. I am also impressed with the way that you handled this whole situation. I would like to hope that I would be able to be as calm.

    As I mentioned in my Happy New Year comment, now that things are returning to normal, you may actually find that the website hack is a blessing in disguise with increased exposure and readership.

  5. Steal His Wi-Fi | GNUCITIZEN Says:

    […] in the clear, even the ones that encrypt the connection when submitting passwords. Getting your gmail account hijacked could lead to really bad things. However, I do agree with Bruce that is much more likely that […]

  6. KreCi Says:

    That’s great that the problem with this domain is already solved… Not only domain was stolen, but his name and a lot of work involved for promoting it as a brand.

  7. Lesotho Says:

    Mach Sie weiter so work.i will R�ckkehr often.

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