WOW – I’m William Shatner and I’m a Shaman

World Of Warcraft, WOW once again demonstrates they understand how to make great, engaging commercials.

William Shatner, I am a Shaman

Shatner, like Mr T’s narration is perfect, and is a perfect blend of fun and information. Per Shatner:

Get World of Warcraft dog, and you can be anyone you want.



This just demonstrates that WOW knows how to be funny and informative at the same time.

6 Responses to “WOW – I’m William Shatner and I’m a Shaman”

  1. TGH Says:

    Shatner can be a riot. He is the standout from the funny Golden Throats album, his early commercials were great, and his song and interview with Henry Rollins also cracks me up because they are so different. Rollins is also very funny talking (and impersonating Shatner) about their time together.

  2. teeni Says:

    Oh, no. I see another William Shatner/Henry Rollins marathon coming in my future. Thanks, Thomas!

  3. Thomas Says:

    TGH – I appreciate how Shatner is totally willing to mock himself. I always appreciate hearing Rollins talk, and was actually able to hit one of his spoken word tour engagements in Portland back in the 90’s. I am not familiar with the Golden Throats album, or his interview with Rollins. I will have to check those out.

    teeni – You’re welcome, I am always happy to help my friends 😉 You’re gonna have a tv party tonight . . . Alright! Sorry I couldn’t resist.

  4. Opal Tribble Says:

    I haven’t been sucked into WOW although it looks appealing it takes a lot of time.

    One of my writer buddies met William Shatner at some type of convention. They were standing next to each other and William asked him was he what he expected in person of course the guy I knew had to say something “witty”. He said well you are a lot fatter in person. Nice! Pfft….

    I guess that didn’t go over to well since William called him an A$$hole. He actually can be so that was an accurate assumption on William’s part. 😉

    I met some really down to earth celebrities because of him, but my buddy really needs to brush up on his skills. That could explain why I don’t hang around him too much.

    He is a dead ringer for Kiefer Sutherland. I always thought Kiefer was pretty hot.

  5. Thomas Says:

    Opal – I agree, I haven’t played WOW because I think it would take up too much time.

    William Shatner seems pretty cool to be able to embrace his kooky side like this, I always appreciate it when people are willing to mock themselves. I think it would be pretty cool to meet him.

    Ah ha – so you hung out with a guy who you thought was hot and lacked social skills. That is when you use the line “please don’t speak, you’ll just ruin it” 😉

  6. WOW - Mini Me is a Mage « Thomas - Technical Blogger Says:

    […] There is even a scene with Troyer’s mage next to Shatner’s Shaman. […]

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